Policy Statements

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Environmental Policy

AIMFLEX Systems Sdn. Bhd. is committed to providing quality services in a manner that ensures a minimal impact on the environment. We will operate in compliance with all relevant environmental legislations and will strive to protect the environment by pollution prevention and use environmental best practices.

Our Policy therefore, is to :

- Integrate the consideration of environmental concerns and impacts into our decision making and activities.

- Minimize our waste and to reuse or recycle as much of it as is possible.

- Minimize energy and water usage within our buildings and processes in order to conserve supplies and minimize the consumption of natural resources.

- As far as possible, purchase products and services that do the least damage to the environment.

- Train, educate and inform our employees about environmental issues that may affect their work.

- Promote environmental awareness among our employees and encourage them to work in an environmentally responsible manner.

- Communicate our environmental commitment to clients, customers and the public and encourage them to support it.

- Implementing continual improvement of the Environment Management System.

This policy will be revised periodically to ensure its applicability to activities of the company and the industry’s evolving standards.

AIMFLEX Engineering Sdn. Bhd. is aware of the impact its operations have on the environment. We believe it is our responsibility to not only minimize our environmental impact, but also to consider an environmental policy as an integral part of our operational strategy. In an effort to adopt environmentally conscious attitudes, we have established several measures with which we can protect the environment, preserve our natural resources and prevent pollution.

- Involve, educate and train all staff in environmental issues to instill a sense of environmental responsibility.

- Assess environmental impact of all our activities and products, and seek to eliminate any that pose harm to the environment when economically and operationally practical.

- Reduce waste by minimizing amount of waste produced, reusing materials when possible, and recycling other wastes.

- Purchase and use environmentally responsible products (recyclable, refurbished, etc.)

- Communicate our environmental policy to the public to promote their support.

- Comply with environmental legislation, and strive to follow best practices.

- Seek continual improvement by monitoring progress and remaining proactive towards environmental control.

AIMFLEX Metal Sdn. Bhd. recognizes the importance of environmental protection and will comply with all environmental legislations, regulations and appropriate codes of practice relating to the process and activities of the company. It is the company’s objective to co-operate and maintain good relations with all regulatory authorities.

It is the Environmental Policy of AIMFLEX Metal to carry out all reasonably practicable measures to continually improve its environmental performance. Wherever possible, the company aims to:

- Assess the environmental impacts of the company’s activities during the manufacturing or fabrication of its products.

- Reduce the amount of waste produced.

- Reduce and/or limit the discharge of pollutants to water, land and air.

- Use recyclable and renewable materials where possible.

- Limit the noise in and around the site.

- Educate all staff on our environmental program and empower them to contribute and participate.

- Lessen the risk to employees and members of the public from processes and activities associated with the company.

- Monitor our environmental impacts and set goals to continually improve our sustainability efforts.

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