Precision Parts

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Precision Parts Fabrication

AIMFLEX Engineering Sdn. Bhd. has invested into a wide range of machineries to support in-house precision parts / mechanical parts fabrication and assembly. This investment allows for shortest production lead time and competitive pricing whilst maintaining exact specification and superior quality. Our facility supports instant modification during development stage to allow our engineers to fine tune to the best configuration.

Machine Capability

Vertical Turret Milling Machine


CNC Milling Machine

CNC Milling Machine

CNC Milling Machine (Feeler) 

CNC Milling Machine (Kafo)

CNC Milling
Machine (Trident)

CNC Milling Machine (Feeler) 

CNC Milling Machine (Hyundai)

CNC Turning Machine

EDM Drill Machine

EDM Wire Cut Machine

Quality Capability

We are committed to providing superior service, on-time deliveries and a quality product. Continuous improvement of our processes and strong communication throughout our organization with an emphasis on customer satisfaction is our ultimate goal.

Vision Scope

Trimos Digital Height Gauge

Digital Height Gauge

Digital Micrometer

Coordinate-measuring Machine (CMM)

Carbide Block Gauge

Products & Project Experiences